Professional Opportunities

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With AB, you can seize the opportunity to create a custom-made career.

The work culture we want to inspire is to ensure that each person should feel personally responsible for his or her own professional growth. In this way we want to encourage people to seize opportunities within our Group in Italy and abroad to gain experience by collaborating on different projects, including cross country ones.

The work environment is young, open and informal. Colleagues are encouraged to build collaborative relationships where everyone provides their own contribution. Advanced technology and rich growth opportunities make AB a place where creativity and innovation can truly thrive.

What does it mean to be an engineer in AB?

Are you curious about the career paths for engineers in AB? Every day's activity, required skills, work tools, and career development?

Find out more through the direct experience of our colleagues!

What is the role of the Commissioning Engineer?

What is the role of the Buyer?

What is the role of the R&D Engineer?

What is the role of the Technical Project Coordinator?

Customer Service CenterUseful numbers for technical assistance
Global presenceThe presence of AB in the world

AB Holding S.p.a.

Via Caduti del Lavoro, 13
25034 Orzinuovi (BS)
T. +39 030 99 42 411

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