22 June 2021
To achieve greater energy efficiency, developing competitiveness and eco-sustainability, Ferrero has chosen cogeneration to produce energy, for some time now. The potential and benefits of a choice that combines efficiency with eco-sustainability were immediate at Ferrero.
The Ferrero Group is one of the most important confectionery industries worldwide. Each year, it makes huge investments in research and development, also through the upgrading of production facilities.
With the aim of achieving maximum environmental efficiency in using energy, Ferrero is increasingly focussing on cogeneration plants. Its goal is to make all European plants energy self-sufficient. The site at Pozzuolo Martesana (Milan) is the Group’s only facility that manufactures products such as Fiesta, Kinder Pinguì and Kinder Delice. The choice of installing a new trigeneration plant at this Ferrero site is part of this technological upgrade plan.
The solution proposed by AB for a new cogeneration plant at Ferrero (the ECOMAX® 33 HE with a specific configuration) was added to the existing plant configuration. The external package solution was an optimal choice as it was not possible to develop new plants inside the building. Ferrero’s cogeneration plant produces electrical energy used by the site, and steam and hot water used during the production cycle. Solutions have also been devised to switch to the production of cold water, which is essential in the production of confectionery products.