Types of maintenance

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AB Service offers its customers a Full Service maintenance service that covers the entire supply scope of the plant, for the entire range of products and in all fields of application.

The maintenance service is contracted with multi-year agreements that last for the entire life cycle of the major components of the plant or for the customer's incentive period.

AB Service's technical personnel is trained and certified to ensure a competent and high-level service.


Continuous monitoring

24 hours a day assistance service for 365 days a year through the Control Room service: all systems are connected remotely for coordinated and timely monitoring

360° maintenance

Our service is available for preventive maintenance, as required by the technical specifications, predictive, to prevent breakdowns and corrective, to intervene on malfunctions


A call for a failure or a breakage is followed by a prompt intervention, facilitated by a stock of spare parts always available in the warehouse for all product ranges


All AB plants have a guaranteed annual availability, competitive with respect to market standards. An extended warranty is available to our customers for safe and reliable products

AB's Full Service is completed by specific additions depending on the type of solution adopted.

  • Cogeneration: a service for overhauling and improving performance is available to optimize the plant's life cycle

  • Biomethane: the warranty on the membranes and the replacement of components subject to wear is included, according to a pre-established schedule;

  •  Air emissions treatment: this includes the replacement of catalytic beds and of components subject to wear, according to a pre-established schedule.

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AB Holding S.p.a.

Via Caduti del Lavoro, 13
25034 Orzinuovi (BS)
T. +39 030 99 42 411

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