Sustainability - The NEW NORMAL

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  • Sustainability - The NEW NORMAL

Our goal is to achieve a state of NEW NORMAL, where sustainability naturally becomes part of our processes and objectives.

AB positions itself as a reference in the journey towards sustainability:

  • for our clients, by providing targeted solutions and services aimed at achieving sustainability goals, primarily in the energy and environmental spheres and, consequently, also in economic terms. Our approach is pragmatic and highly realistic, aligned with the necessary evolution towards new business models.

  • for all stakeholders, as a virtuous example in the broader sustainability journey. We firmly believe that only by fostering the growth of what surrounds us can we achieve growth ourselves. For this reason, we actively collaborate with suppliers, schools, universities, local communities, and partners.

Direct emissions

As far as AB is concerned, self-production covers 73% of the demand, while the remaining 27% is purchased from the grid.

Indirect emissions from purchased energy

About 23% of the energy consumed by the Group is purchased from the national grid.

The indirect emissions that occur in the organization's value chain

To reduce the impact related to business travel by its employees, during the year AB launched a partnership with Air France and KLM within the scope of the "SAF – Sustainable Aviation Fuel" project, to reduce the impact of air transport.

The Top Employers Certification

The Top Employers Certification is the official recognition of corporate excellence in HR policies and strategies and their implementation to contribute to the well-being of people, improve the work environment and the world of work.


The Workplace Health Promotion program is aimed at promoting the adoption of healthy lifestyles, ensuring a healthy and safe work environment for all personnel, also with a view to advancing social well-being.

Sustainability Talks

Series of meetings dedicated to exploring corporate sustainable development initiatives in depth to improve internal communication and create a shared culture on sustainability.

Code of Ethics

Defines the values and principles of conduct relevant to AB, aimed at ensuring proper functioning, reliability, compliance with laws and regulations, and the company’s reputation.

Model 231

It is a coherent set of principles, procedures and provisions that affects our internal operation and the manner in which we deal with the outside world.


In compliance with Legislative Decree no. 24/2023, AB has set up an internal channel for the collection and management of whistleblowing reports capable of guaranteeing the confidentiality of the identity of the Whistleblowers involved in the report and the related documentation.

Customer service centerUseful numbers for technical assistance
Global presenceThe presence of AB in the world

AB Holding S.p.a.

Via Caduti del Lavoro, 13
25034 Orzinuovi (BS)
T. +39 030 99 42 411

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Copyright 2021 AB HOLDING SPA - P.IVA 02243290984 - REA 433585 - Reg. imp. BS02243290984 - Cap. sociale 6.000.000 i.v.

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