12 November 2020

Orzinuovi – November 12, 2020. Today’s challenge, to safeguard the future of society and of our planet, has been launched and is clear: reconciling economic growth with energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. In the power and heat production realm for large companies operating in the food & beverage sector – and not only – the technological solution is already on the market. The Italian AB company based in Orzinuovi (BS) represents the reference point at the international level with its cogeneration solutions.

Sibeg has certainly understood this, so much so that it has become a flagship of its green policy. The company, which has produced and developed all The Coca-Cola Company branded products in Sicily since 1960, with 350 employees and nearly 1000 individuals related to the industry, has already been carrying out projects related to social responsibility and environmental sustainability for some time, such as, for example, responsible water management, product recycling and the Green Mobility Project. The desire to further rationalize energy consumption, to reduce its environmental impact and to generate significant savings, combined with the need to use energy in a triple form, have led the company to opt for the technologically advanced solution offered by AB.

Thanks to the installation of a trigeneration plant in its Catania facility, Sibeg is now able to independently produce electricity, steam and chilled water. Thanks to this plant, in one year, electricity consumption has been reduced by 45%, thus avoiding the emission of 1,084 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. This is a figure equivalent to the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by 81,300 trees (on average) in a year, comparable to a forest the size of 101 soccer fields.

From an economic point of view, the company has calculated that it will save €390,000 per year starting from the second year of life of the AB trigeneration system. The figure confirms just how much this technology, which today has reached a mature stage and is increasingly adopted by major international players around the world, is not only ideal from an environmental point of view, but also economically speaking. Companies in this sector are large consumers of thermal and electrical energy within their supply chain, with significant effects on their bills, as well as on the environment. Cogeneration is therefore the ideal solution to meet their needs.

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