11 October 2019

The third edition of the yearly event, dedicated to a technology with the potential to significantly impact the future of the energy in America, will take place on Tuesday, October 15, at Le Méridien Hotel, Philadelphia.

This one-day symposium, organized by Cogeneration Channel and sponsored by AB is designed to educate America’s energy consumers on the merits, logistics and potential cost savings of Combined Heat and Power (CHP), a method of electricity generation that produces useful heat from otherwise wasted thermal energy.

Cogeneration Day USA is an event for all those involved in increasing energy efficiency, decreasing energy costs, ensuring more reliable energy in industrial, commercial, healthcare, utility, engineering companies as-well-as policy makers.

Program highlights will include:

  • US CHP market overview

  • Success stories from various CHP applications

  • CHP & microgrids to enhance resiliency in critical infrastructures

  • Regulation & permitting challenges

  • CHP and Renewable Energy: a successful match for reducing emissions

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